Eventi e news di Cà di Nì

Nello splendido giardino segreto della Cà di Nì
5 Oct

Art and culture in “The Ca di Ni’s secret garden”

Why secret?

Because when you arrive in front of our Ca ‘di Nì, you can not imagine that behind such a beautiful façade there is an imposing garden, because since June the guard is accessible and accessible to everyone, it has been closed for decades and because it is a place that has been stopped over time.

And Paolo Anselmo, whom we thank heartily, with his works wanted to give more touch to this magical place.

Between fish, elms, cactuses, fruits and other strange animals, all of them in ceramic and all colorful, we have spent a sumptuous summer of art and culture.


In addition to these splendid ceramic works, in our fifteenth-century tower, another artist has paid homage to his presence: Giancarlo Scialanga with his bronzes. Thanks to the light games created by the windows of the tower that overlook the Borgo, his works live and illuminate with colors and reflections.

For all of us it was a test to see if all this could be appreciated, primarily by the Finalborghesi, but also by tourists who, in many, especially driven by curiosity, crossed the threshold and then remained fascinated by the union of nature and art.

Unfortunately, the exposition is closed on 30 September, but that does not mean that everything can not be repeated on other occasions, perhaps always with the help of Paolo Anselmo, which was really valuable for the realization of the exhibition and that he paid us of this name that has really intrigued many people and will remain in history.

So … artists of all generes … if you want a particular environment for your creations … do not hesitate to contact us!

Our doors are open to any idea !!!!